



PTE Score Chart 2024: Exam Scoring System & Calculation

PTE Score Chart 2024: Exam Scoring System & Calculation

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By Prabhadri Suman|Updated On - 2023-12-17 17:31:20

Find detailed information on the PTE score chart 2024. Check PTE exam calculation, comparison, accepted countries, personalized PTE Skills profile, and scoring for reading, writing, listening & speaking. Apply to study abroad with Edmissions Consultants today!

PTE Score Chart 2024: Exam Scoring System & Calculation

Topics Covered:

  • What is the PTE Exam?
  • What is the PTE Score Chart?
  • PTE Score Chart Evaluation
  • PTE Score Chart vs IELTS vs TOEFL Score Comparison
  • PTE vs TOEFL Score Comparison and Conversion
  • PTE vs. IELTS Band Score Comparison and Conversion
  • PTE Score Chart: Speaking and Writing
  • PTE Score Chart: Reading
  • PTE Score Chart: Listening
  • PTE Score Range Breakdown
  • What Score Do I Need to Pass PTE Exam?
  • How to check PTE Results?
  • PTE Score Report
  • Personalized PTE Skills Profile and Score Report
  • Reporting PTE Scores: What you need to Know?
  • PTE Score Rescoring
  • Which countries accept PTE scores?
  • How is the PTE score calculated?
  • Understanding the Score Report
  • How to request a rescore/recheck?

The PTE Academic test is frequently used to evaluate candidates' English communication skills. Candidates are scored using a Global Scale of English, which is adaptable to a variety of well-known tests and scales worldwide. The PTE Score Chart  essentially illustrates this.                            

Candidates can access their PTE score on the "my pte" portal within two days of completing the exam. The PTE score is determined using a Global scoring scale, ranging from 10 to 90. A desirable PTE Score falls within the range of 85 to 90. The PTE Academic score chart displays two categories of English proficiency: 

1. Communication skills - encompassing listening, reading, speaking, and writing abilities.

2. Enabling skills - comprising grammar, oral fluency, pronunciation, spelling,

vocabulary usage, and written discourse.       

An automated computer scoring system is used to conduct, score, and mark the Pearson  PTE exam  . No humans are involved in the PTE Academic exam's marking procedure.       

The overall PTE score in the result reflects both the total and average performance across these evaluated skills within the PTE exam format.

Read the blog for more information regarding  PTE score chart 2024 , exam scores, and more.

What is the PTE Exam?

The PTE exam is a standardized test accepted by a majority of countries, such as if you prefer to  study in Australia  UK  USA  Canada  , etc. It is designed to evaluate and certify your proficiency as a non-native English speaker who wants to pursue a career in the field of speech therapy. Your score in this exam determines whether you will be allowed to practice speech therapy in a particular country. The PTE Exam assesses proficiency in three core skill sets: listening comprehension, reading comprehension and written expression. You’ll be evaluated on your ability to understand spoken English, read English texts and write in English. There are two formats for the PTE exam: PTE General and PTE Academic. PTE General is administered worldwide, whereas the PTE Academic test is only given in selected countries.

What is the PTE Score Chart?

A PTE exam score is a score graph indicating how well you speak English or how much you know about it. The task of evaluating PTE scoring is challenging. The PTE score is the total and average of the skills evaluated by the  PTE exam format  . Grammar, oral fluency, pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary, written abilities, and PTE communicative skills are all considered when calculating the overall Pearson  PTE score  , which ranges from 10-90               

PTE Score Chart Evaluation

What constitutes a strong PTE score is confusing to candidates. Each PTE test component—speaking, writing, listening, and reading—has a certain standard of excellence, and PTE points are awarded in accordance. Candidates can compare these using the PTE score table. Candidates can build a clear understanding of the revised  PTE score chart  by referring to the table below:

PTE Scores                                     Level of Excellence                                    
30 – 36 Limited
36-43 Modest
43-50 Modest
50-58 Competent
58-65 Competent
65-79 Good
79-86 Very good
85-90 Expert

PTE Score Chart vs IELTS vs TOEFL Score Comparison

To work out the PTE academic total score, the starting point is to work out the mean of the enabling skills which comprise of grammar, oral fluency, pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary, and written discourse.

The average of the enabling skills is used as the fifth component in this list of communicative skills, which has four components. If there are any decimals in this average, they are rounded to the next whole number. The PTE score chart as well as as the conversion of the pte score chart in bands is shown here. Candidates can use the PTE score calculator to help them gain a thorough understanding.

Our  PTE score chart in bands provides a clear breakdown of your performance in each section of the exam. From the speaking and writing tasks to reading and listening comprehension, our chart offers valuable insights into how you performed in each area.

Candidates should be aware that the PTE and IELTS have different test formats and scoring procedures when comparing the two exams. PTE awards numerical marks out of 90, whereas IELTS gives applicants bands of 1 to 8. Below is a table that contrasts the most recent  PTE score chart 2024 with for  IELTS  and  TOEFL scores  :

PTE Scores                                     TOEFL Scores                                     IELTS Band                                     Level of Excellence                                    
0 to 30 0 to 31 0 to 4 Extremely Limited
30 to 34 32 to 34 4.5 Limited
35 to 41 35 to 45 5 Modest
42 to 49 46 to 59 5.5 Modest
50 to 57 60 to 78 6 Competent
58 to 63 79 to 93 6.5 Competent
64 to 72 94 to 101 7 Good
73 to 77 102 to 109 7.5 Good
78 to 82 110 to 114 8 Very Good
83 to 86 115 to 117 8.5 Very Good
85 to 90 118 to 120 9 Expert

This PTE marks chart, IELTS score chart, and score chart make it easy to show the  PTE score chart with the band scores of the IELTS and  TOEFL  . By comparing their PTE scores to the PTE marks distribution chart 2024 with their IELTS and TOEFL scores, candidates can understand the equivalent scores of the PTE points they have obtained.

PTE vs TOEFL Score Comparison and Conversion

PTE Score to TOEFL iBT Exam Conversion: Candidates who have taken the PTE exam and want to know their TOEFL iBT Score equates to can see the chart below.

PTE Scores                                     TOEFL Scores                                     Level of Excellence                                    
0 to 30 0 to 31 Extremely Limited
30 to 34 32 to 34 Limited
35 to 41 35 to 45 Modest
42 to 49 46 to 59 Modest
50 to 57 60 to 78 Competent
58 to 63 79 to 93 Competent
64 to 72 94 to 101 Good
73 to 77 102 to 109 Good
78 to 82 110 to 114 Very Good
83 to 86 115 to 117 Very Good
85 to 90 118 to 120 Expert

PTE vs. IELTS Band Score Comparison and Conversion

For individuals who have taken the PTE exam and would like to know pte score chart with ielts. The following table provides the conversion from PTE Scores to IELTS Band scores to help you know your pte score in bands

PTE Scores IELTS Band Level of Excellence 
0 to 30 0 to 4 Extremely Limited
30 to 34 4.5 Limited
35 to 41 5 Modest
42 to 49 5.5 Modest
50 to 57 6 Competent
58 to 63 6.5 Competent
64 to 72 7 Good
73 to 77 7.5 Good
78 to 82 8 Very Good
83 to 86 8.5 Very Good
85 to 90 9 Expert

PTE Score Chart: Speaking and Writing

Check the PTE breakdown of marks, the type of questions, time given, number of queries, scores, and the capabilities measured for PTE scores.

Type of Questions                                     Number of Question             Time allowed                                     Scoring                                     Communicative skills, enabling skills              Other traits scored                                    
Read aloud 6-7 30-35 minutes Partial credit Reading and speaking  Oral fluency, Pronunciation, Content
Repeat sentence 10-12 Partial credit Listening and speaking  Oral fluency, Pronunciation, and Content
Describe image 3-4 Partial credit Speaking  Oral fluency, Pronunciation, Content
Re-tell lecture 1-2 Partial credit Listening and speaking  Oral fluency, Pronunciation, and Content
Answer short question 5-6 Correct/ incorrect Listening and speaking  Vocabulary
Summarize written text 1-2 20-30 minutes Partial credit Reading and writing  Gramma, Vocabulary, Content, and Form
Write essay 1-2 20-40 minutes Partial credit Writing
  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar
  • Development, structure and coherence
  • Form
  • General linguistic range
  • Spelling
  • Written discourse 
  • Content             

PTE Score Chart: Reading

The table below outlines the most recent scores for the PTE reading exam.

Types of Question                                      Number of Questions             Time allowed                                     Scoring                                     Communicative skills, enabling skills, and other traits scored                                    
Multiple-choice answer (Single Answer) 1-2 32-41 minutes Correct/ incorrect

Minimum score 0

1 Correctly completed blank

Multiple-choice answers 1-2
  • Partial credit for each correct response. 
  • Points deducted for incorrect options

Minimum score 0

1 for each correct answer

-1 for each incorrect answer

Re-order paragraphs 2-3
  • Partial credit for each correctly ordered
  • Adjacent pair

Minimum score 0

1 Correctly completed blank

Reading: Fill in the blanks 4-5
  • Partial credit for each correct blank

Minimum score 0

1 Correctly completed blank

Reading and writing: Fill in the blanks 5-6
  • Partial credit for each completed blank

Minimum score 0

1 Each Correctly completed blank

PTE Score Chart: Listening

The "Listening" section of the test requires the candidate to summarize a spoken text within a 30-43 minute timeframe. This section assesses the candidate's listening skills in terms of various traits.

Type of Questions             Time allowed             Scoring            Communicative skills, enabling skills                 Other traits scored                                
Summarize spoken text 20-30 minutes Partial credit
  • Listening and writing grammar
  • Vocabulary
  • Spelling content
  • Form

Content :

2 a good summary of the text required. All relevant aspects are mentioned.

1 Provides a fair summary of the text

One or two aspects are missing

0 Omits or misrepresents the main aspects



2 Contains 50-70 words

1 Contains 40-49 words or 71-100 words

0 Contains less than 40 words or more than 100 words. 

Summary: Capital letters,  no punctuation or bullet points or concise sentences.


Grammar :

2 Correct grammatical structures

1  grammatical mistake with no hindrance to communication

0 Defective grammatical structure as it can hinder communications


Vocabulary :

2 choices of words that are appropriate

1  lexical error with no hindrance to communication

0 Defective word choice as it can hinder communication


Spelling :

2 Correct spelling

1 error in spelling 

0  or More than 1 spelling error

Multiple choice answers 23-28 minutes Points are deducted for incorrect options chosen
  • Listening
Fill in the blanks. Partial credit 
  • Listening and writing
Highlight correct summary Correct/ incorrect
  • Listening and reading
Multiple-choice, choose single answer. Correct/ incorrect
  • Listening
Select missing word Correct/ incorrect
  • Listening
Highlight incorrect words Partial credit for each word. Negative points for incorrect options 
  • Listening and reading
Write from dictation Partial credit for correctly spelled word
  • Listening and writing

Also Check:     PTE Listening: Syllabus, Score Chart, Duration, Strategies                                    

PTE Score Range Breakdown

Candidates may be uncertain about their skills assessment in the latest  PTE score chart 2024.  A comprehensive analysis of each range in the current score chart for PTE speaking, writing, listening, and reading has been provided. Thus, candidates can form a general idea of each section's PTE band score chart.

PTE Score Range                                     Skills Evaluated                                    
10-29 use of common idioms and simple grammar by candidates. Basic communication and interpersonal skill.
30-42 Skills to discuss relevant topics. Usage of daily phrases and expressions. Better interaction approach and sharing of basic personal information.
43-50 The ability to converse regarding related ideas. Utilizing everyday expressions and language. An improved method of communication and revealing basic personal details.
51-58 Good command of multiple languages. the capacity to communicate genuine information based on real-world encounters. abilities to broadcast and record information.
59-75 Being able to speak clearly to others and interact without making many mistakes. Having the talent to emphasize the key points related to a specific subject.
75-84 The capacity to understand a variety of challenging texts and to highlight the key concepts involved. Ability to describe oneself and effective communication skills.
Above 85 Possessing highly advanced communications expertise. Capable of understanding data from multiple resources. Demonstrating a clear understanding when presenting information.

What Score Do I Need to Pass PTE Exam? 

When taking the PTE exam, no set of minimum scores is required to pass. However, candidates should generally score around 50-60 out of a range between 10-90. Also, each university sets its own scoring system. Usually, you must obtain the following minimum marks:

  • Foundation degree: between 36-50 is a minimum score
  • Undergraduate degree: between 51–60 is a minimum score
  • Postgraduate degree: between 57–67 is the minimum score  

How to check PTE Results?

Students who have registered for the PTE exam can conveniently access their scores through their online PTE accounts. Once the scores are available, students receive email notifications. To check their scores, candidates simply need to log into their Pearson VUE account, also known as myPTE.

Follow these steps to access PTE Scores:

Step 1: Go to the official PTE website.

Step 2: Sign in to your PTE Account (myPTE).

Step 3: Navigate to the Activity section and locate the appointment associated with your PTE score.

Helpful calculator to Caculate ==>  CGPA to Percentage 

PTE Score Report

The PTE Academic score report includes two types of scoring: the overall score and the communicative skills scores in listening, reading, speaking, and writing.

  • Overall Score: The overall score ranges from 10 to 90 points and is based on the candidate's overall performance in the test. It is important to note that it is more than a simple average of the communicative skills scores.

PTE Score Chart 2024: Exam Scoring System & Calculation

  • The communicative skills scores: These represent the scores the PTE candidate achieved in the four communicative skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Each communicative skill is scored on a scale of 10 to 90 points.

Personalized PTE Skills Profile and Score Report 

You receive a Score Report and a Skills Profile after completing the PTE Academic test to help you understand your test results, your level of language proficiency, and where you may make improvements.

After finishing the PTE Academic examination, you will be given a Score Report and a Skills Profile that will assist you in understanding your assessment score, your proficiency level in the language, and areas where you need to enhance your skills. 

What does the PTE score report contain? 

  • Based on the Global Scale of English, you receive an Overall Score between 10 and 90
  • Individual scores for Communicative Skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing 

What will be displayed on my skills  PTE profile? 

  • An assessment of your performance across eight categories of language skills
  • Here are a few recommendations to help you improve your English.                              

Reporting PTE Scores: What you need to Know?

This section will review the relevant PTE score reporting information, including how to send reports to colleges.

How to Send PTE Score Report?

Candidates may send their PTE results using a secure internet site set up by PTE. Universities do not accept PTE Academic score reports on paper or in PDF format. PTE test takers should be aware that there are no additional fees or costs associated with the option of sending PTE scores to institutions. Candidates must, however, take the actions listed below.

Steps to sending PTE Score Report 

  • Log in to PTE account
  • Click 'View Score Reports'
  • Click 'Send Scores'
  • Type the name of the chosen institution and select the institution
  • Type the name of chosen course and select a preferred course of study
  • Review details then scroll down the page and click 'Next' to confirm
  • Repeat for each institution (You can send as many colleges your PTE results for free.)                                    

PTE Score Rescoring

Candidates may ask for a rescore if they are unsatisfied with their PTE Score. However, as the PTE Academic is a computer-scored exam, the chance of a mistake is extremely low. Only verbal responses and written comments with open-ended responses are rescored. Candidates are prohibited from obtaining a rescore if they have already scheduled another test or delivered their score to an institution. Candidates can only request a rescore for their most recent PTE Academic Test. If the score changes, the new score will take the place of the old score, and a new report with the updated score will be sent.

Which countries accept PTE scores?

PTE scores are recognized by many nations throughout the world for the purposes of immigration and student visas. The following nations have been listed as accepting the PTE score chart:

Countries Accepting PTE Scores                                    
  1. Australia
  2. New Zealand
  3. China
  4. Austria
  5. Canada
  6. USA
  7. South Korea
  8. South Africa
  9. Bulgaria
  10. Indonesia
  11. Estonia
  12. Singapore
  13. Taiwan
  14. Hong Kong
  15. Finland
  16. Japan
  17. Vietnam
  18. Egypt
  19. Ireland
  20. France
  21. Spain
  22. Sri Lanka
  23. Thailand
  24. Saudi Arabia
  25. Germany
  26. Greece
  27. Turkey
  28. Norway
  29. UAE
  30. Sweden
  31. Iraq
  32. Oman
  33. Jordan
  34. Bangladesh
  35. Nepal
  36. Israel

With the appropriate PTE score, candidates can apply for immigration and visas in the countries listed. Candidates must first check the prerequisites listed on the  PTE Score Chart  for each country.                                     

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How is the PTE score calculated?

Candidates must already be familiar with the idea of a PTE marks chart. The results of applicants in each section of the PTE test are used to calculate the PTE score. The PTE total score is determined based on the candidates' communicative and enabling scores.

Your ability to communicate in another language depends on the following abilities, which PTE Academic tests for:

  • Communicative Skills in PTE Score Calculator                               

The PTE score calculator takes into account four communicative skills - reading, writing, speaking and listening - to calculate a score that can range from 10-90 points as per the new PTE score chart 2024. The calculator also evaluates subskills related to these specific skills.

  • Enabling Skill Scores in PTE Score Calculator                                    

The PTE score calculator takes into account a variety of components when determining a score, including the accuracy of grammar, spelling, pronunciation, and vocabulary, as well as oral fluency and written discourse. As per the latest  PTE score chart each of these "enabling skills" is assigned a range of points between 10 and 90. These points are then used to gauge the success of the productive skills of writing and speaking.

Understanding the Score Report

PTE Academic provides students with a comprehensive evaluation of their language proficiency, which includes their overall English score and individual sub-skill scores.                           
Each Score report shows:

  • An overall score from 10–90
  • Communicative skills scores for Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing              

How to request a rescore/recheck?

If a candidate is not satisfied with their PTE academic 2024 score, they can ask for a rescore. However, since this test was scored by a computer, it is extremely improbable that the final result will alter. Re-scoring is only possible for the spoken English and open-ended writing portions.

It should be noted that the applicant has the option of asking for the most recent PTE academic test to be rescored.

The candidate must get in touch with Pearson Customer Service within 14 calendar days of the release of the PTE academic result 2024 in order to request a rescore.

The Edmissions Counseling Service is here to help you achieve your  study abroad  dreams. Our goal is to help you get into the graduate school of your dreams by helping you with your essays, your profile, and your recommendations.

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