



How to convert SGPA to CGPA?

How to convert SGPA to CGPA?

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By Prabhadri Suman|Updated On - 2024-02-09 18:12:36

Learn how to convert SGPA to CGPA with our step-by-step guide and use our free calculator for accurate results.

How to convert SGPA to CGPA?

Topics Covered:

  • What is SGPA?
  • What is CGPA?
  • Steps to Convert SGPA to CGPA
  • SGPA to CGPA calculator KTU
  • SGPA to CGPA SPPU calculation
  • SGPA to CGPA calculator VTU
  • How to convert SGPA to CGPA in BPUT?
  • SGPA to CGPA convertor MAKAUT?
  • SGPA to CGPA to Percentage
  • SGPA vs. CGPA Vs. GPA
  • How to calculate SGPA?

Convert SGPA to CGPA Calculator

Two key factors reflect a student's overall performance; these elements include SGPA and CGPA. Grading systems are enforced during the application process for getting into college or a university.

Calculating grades is a significant aspect of academic life, whether in college or school. There are various methods to achieve this, with the most widely recognized being the GPA system. Among these calculations, the conversion from SGPA to CGPA seems to be the most intricate. While SGPA and CGPA serve similar purposes, their calculation methods differ. In this blog post, we will explore the process of converting SGPA to CGPA and familiarize ourselves with the associated terms.

The  SGPA to CGPA calculator calculates the sum of all your SGPAs for the academic year and divides it by the number of semesters. As a result, your CGPA will be 8.5. This simple method allows for an easy conversion from SGPA to CGPA.

With the help of this detailed CGPA conversion from the SGPA guide, we will delve deeper into  how to convert SGPA into CGPA calculator involving your grades.

What is SGPA?

SGPA is a student's academic average for one semester or an entire term.  It is calculated as the ratio of total grade points acquired in a semester to credit hours attempted. Thus, SGPA is calculated on a scale of 4.0 wherein 4 represents the maximum GPA that any person can obtain.

What is CGPA?

The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is student's overall academic performance throughout the academic program. It is calculated by considering the total courses and semesters the student completes. To calculate CGPA, divide the total grade points earned in all the semesters by the total number of credit hours attempted in the program. 

CGPA = (SGPA) / (number of semesters)  


CGPA = (Sum of the (grade points * credit point) for each subject )/ (sum of the credit points)  

The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is represented on a 10-point scale and is categorized into O, A, B, C, D, and F grades. Every educational institution has its grading criteria, and a commonly used CGPA calculation based on obtained marks is provided below for your reference.

Marks Obtained   Numerical Grade   Letter Grade   Category  
≥90 10 O Outstanding
<90 ≥80 9 A+ Excellent
<80 ≥70 8 A Very Good
<70 ≥60 7 B+ Good
<60 ≥50 6 B Above Average
<50 ≥45 5 C Average
<45 ≥40 4 D Pass
<40 0 F Fail

Steps to Convert SGPA to CGPA

To convert SGPA to CGPA, use the  SGPA to CGPA calculator online and follow a simple calculation process. Below are the necessary steps to follow:

Step 1: Before starting the conversion, have at hand the following information:

  • The number of semesters completed
  • SGPA for the semester that is completed.
  • Number of credit hours attempted in each semester

Step 2:  Calculate Total Grade Points.

To calculate the total grade points for each semester, multiply your SGPA by the credit hours attempted in that term and repeat it for every completed semester.

Step 3: Calculate Total Credit Hours

It is calculated by adding the credit hours of all semesters the candidate has completed.

Step 4: Add up the Total Grade Points

Add the total grade points obtained in all the semesters that are completed.

Step 5:  Calculate the CGPA

CGPA : Total grade points/ total credit hours attempted.  
CGPA  = (Sum of all the SGPA) / (total number of semesters)

Let's use an example to illustrate the process.

Semester SGPA Credit Hours
1 3.2 15
2 3.5 18
3 3.8 16
4 3.6 14

Step 1: Gather Relevant Information

In this case, there are 4 completed semesters with the SGPA and credit hours in each.

Step 2: Compute Total Grade Points

Multiply the SGPA by the credit hours for each semester.

  • Semester 1: SGPA = 3.2, Credit Hours = 15, Total Grade Points = 3.2 * 15 = 48
  • Semester 2: SGPA = 3.5, Credit Hours = 18, Total Grade Points = 3.5 * 18 = 63
  • Semester 3: SGPA = 3.8, Credit Hours = 16, Total Grade Points = 3.8 * 16 = 60.8
  • Semester 4: SGPA = 3.6, Credit Hours = 14, Total Grade Points = 3.6 * 14 = 50.4

Step 3: Calculate Total Credit Hours

Add credit hours of all the completed semesters:

For example : Total Credit Hours = 15 + 18 + 16 + 14 = 63

Step 4: Sum up the Total Grade Points

Sum up the total grade points obtained in all the completed semesters:

Total Grade Points = 48 + 63 + 60.8 + 50.4 = 222.2

Step 5: Calculate the CGPA

To calculate the CGPA, divide the total grade points obtained by the total credit hours attempted:

CGPA = Total Grade Points / Total Credit Hours = 222.2 / 63 = 3.52

The CGPA is 3.52.

SGPA to CGPA calculator KTU

KTU uses  SGPA and CGPA calculators to calculate student performance within a 10-point grading system. SGPA is calculated by taking the weighted average of grade points multiplied by credit points. The formula for SGPA is as follows:  

SGPA = Σ (Ci × GPi) / Σ Ci

Where: Ci represents credit points and GPi represents grade points.

Meanwhile, the CGPA for APJ Abdul Kalam Technology University, derived from SGPA, is determined by averaging the SGPA achieved up to the current semester. The  SGPA to CGPA calculator for KTU employs the following formula:

CGPA = Average of SGPA up to the current semester.

CGPA = (ΣSGPA)/ (total number of semesters)

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SGPA to CGPA SPPU calculation

Savitribai Phule Pune University implements a degree system incorporating SGPA, CGPA, and GPA to evaluate students. The  SGPA to CGPA  conversion formula at SPPU is based on the credit points and grade points earned in individual subjects. Here's a guide on  how to convert SGPA into a CGPA calculator

The SGPA is calculated as follows:

SGPA = (C1G1 + C2G2 + C3G3 + C4G4 + C5G5 + C6G6) / (C1 + C2 + C3 + C4 + C5 + C6)


  • C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 represent the credit points for each subject.         
  • G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6 represent the grade points obtained in each subject.         

The SGPA to CGPA conversion at SPPU follows this formula:

CGPA = (SGPA1 + SGPA2 + SGPA3) / 3


SGPA1, SGPA2, SGPA3 denote the SGPA obtained in three consecutive semesters.

SGPA to CGPA calculator VTU 

Visvesvaraya Technological University uses a widely used grading system to assess students' performance. The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is determined by averaging the Semester Grade Point Averages (SGPAs) obtained in each semester. To calculate the SGPA for a single semester, the following  SGPA to CGPA  conversion formula  is applied:

SGPA = Σ (Ci × GPi) / Σ Ci

Where: Ci represents the credit points assigned to each subject and GPi denotes the grade points attained in that subject.

Once the SGPA has been computed for all semesters, you can calculate the CGPA by taking the average of these individual SGPA values using SGPA to CGPA calculator online.

How to convert SGPA to CGPA in BPUT?

Biju Patnaik University of Technology employs a 10-point grading system to evaluate student performance. The  SGPA to CGPA calculator online allow you to simply add up all the SGPA values and then divide the sum by the total number of semesters or sessions taken by the student:

CGPA = Σ Si / Number of semesters or sessions  

Here, "Si" represents the SGPA obtained in each semester.

SGPA to CGPA convertor MAKAUT?

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology in West Bengal issues its results in a grading format. MAKAUT's grading system includes SGPA, YGPA, CGPA, and DGPA to represent the academic scores of their students. For your information, below is the grading system utilized by the university.

Grade   Classification   Score out of 100   Points  
O Outstanding 100 to 90 10
E Excellent 89 to 80 9
A Very Good 79-70 8
B Good 69 to 60 7
C Fair 59 to 50 6
D Below Average 49 to 40 5
F Failed Below 40 ----
I Incomplete ----- ----

To compute the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) from Semester Grade Point Averages (SGPA), students should sum up their SGPA values and divide the total by the number of semesters. Once the CGPA is obtained, it can be converted to a percentage by multiplying the CGPA by 0.95.

The formula for converting CGPA to a percentage is as follows:

Percentage of marks = CGPA * 0.95

SGPA to CGPA to Percentage 

While scores are typically presented in grade format, specific competitive exams and university applications necessitate a percentage representation of your achievements. In such instances, you can employ the CGPA to percentage formula to convert your grades into percentages:   

Percentage = CGPA * 9.5

The table below illustrates the conversion of CGPA values to their corresponding percentage equivalents.

CGPA   Equivalent Percentage (%)   CGPA   Equivalent Percentage (%)  
10 95 6.5 61.75
9.5 90.25 6 57
9 85.5 5.5 52.25
8.5 80.75 5 47.5
8 76 4.5 42.75
7.5 71.25 4 38
7 66.5    


Some of the leading universities in India use terminologies including SGPA, CGPA, and GPA to evaluate academic performance among their students. To fill in application forms for higher education appropriately, it is necessary to understand and separate these terms correctly.

  • GPA represents the average of the grade points achieved in a single semester. SGPA, on the other hand, calculates the grade point average over a specified time frame, such as a year or a semester. CGPA represents the overall grade point average obtained throughout your entire course program.
  • GPA is typically scaled on a 10-point scale, although some universities may employ a 4-point scale. Both CGPA and SGPA use a 10-point scale to gauge student performance.
  • Universities in India and abroad employ both GPA and CGPA as their primary grading systems. While many foreign universities favor GPA for their admission processes, some institutions may prefer percentage marks.
  • CGPA relies on SGPA and GPA; students must perform well every semester to achieve a favorable overall percentage.

How to calculate SGPA? 

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to calculate SGPA:

Step 1:  Record the individual credit points for all subjects taken in a specific semester.

Step 2:  Multiply the grade points earned in each subject by their respective credit points.

Step 3:  Sum all the resulting values.

Step 4:  Add the credit points and determine the total sum.

Step 5:  Divide the sum of grade points obtained by the sum of credit points.

Step 6:  The result obtained is your SGPA.

For a better understanding, let's consider a sample SGPA calculation based on grades and credit points for four subjects in a semester.

Suppose we have the grades and credit points for four subjects in a semester as follows:

Subjects   Grade point   Credit points  
Subject 1 9 4
Subject 2 8 3
Subject 3 7 4
Subject 4 6 3

Thus, the SGPA can be calculated as,

SGPA - (Sum of the grade points * Credit points ) / (Sum of credit points)

= ((9*4)+ (8*3) + (7*4) + (6*3))/ (4+3+4+3)

= 106/14 = 7.57  

SGPA = 7.57

To calculate the percentage from SGPA, multiply SGPA by 10 and subtract it by 7.5.

SGPA to percentage = (SGPA*10)- 7.5  
= (7.57*10) - 7.5  
= 68.2%

Helpful calculator to Calculate ==>  CGPA to Percentage  


One way to measure your academic progress across multiple semesters is via simple conversion of SGPA into CGPA using  SGPA to CGPA calculator . With the help of these simple steps , you will be able to receive a precise result of your CGPA to understand its overall performance. Recall that the conversion process depends on accurate information about your SGPA and credit hours per semester. Monitoring your CGPA periodically will enable you to monitor your performance and establish future academic ambitions.

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To learn more about application processing, contact our Edmissions specialists at [email protected].  


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