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Advanced English vs Practical English

The English language holds immense power as the mode of communication in a world of diverse languages, not just in India but across the globe. Having a command of English can thus have a significant influence on one's career and lifestyle.
English proficiency requirements today
While it is a fact that learning English is becoming the need of the hour, one often wonders how far they need to learn this language to spell success in professional life.
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Advanced English v/s Practical English
There are different levels in learning English, like any other language. The question is whether being proficient in Practical English is enough for one to achieve success in life or is the knowledge of advanced English a must?
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Which one is required?
Well, the answer depends on which field success is being sought. Let us discuss both forms of English to answer this question better.
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Advanced English
It is a superior form of the language that requires a good grasp of English vocabulary, and word use. It is best used in situations where one needs to impress with the quality of their words.
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Practical English
Practical English is usable in everyday situations. It is simple to comprehend and works best to communicate thoughts and ideas effectively. It is the preferred choice in the majority of formal and casual conversations.
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Both advanced and practical English have their own distinct features for achieving success in different spheres of life. That said, practical English is a necessity for everyone in today's world.
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