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How to obtain a UK study visa

If you are planning to study in the UK, you will need a student visa. Find out the steps you need to follow to obtain a UK study visa.
Apply for admission to your choice of course and university
Make sure to select a course of study and a university that is on the list of approved institutions of the UK Government. You can find this list on the UK government’s website.
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Receive confirmation of admission
You will need to receive a confirmation of acceptance for studies (CAS) from a recognized UK university to apply for a UK student visa.
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Apply for visa
Check the visa requirements for your country of residence on the UK government website. Get all the required documents in order, including a valid passport, passport-size photographs, financial evidence, and the CAS.
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Pay the visa fee
You will need to pay the visa fee online. The fee amount will depend on the type of visa you are applying for.
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Submit your visa application
Submit your visa application online and attend a biometric appointment at a visa application centre in your country of residence.
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Wait for a decision
The visa processing time may vary depending on your country of residence. You can check the UK government website for the current processing time.
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Collect your BRP
If your visa application is approved, it will be stated in your passport, which will allow you to travel to the UK. Once you arrive in the UK, you must pick up your biometric residency permit (BRP).
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