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What courses are at Algoma University?

Algoma University is a public institution situated in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada. It offers a diverse array of degree programs and certificates in various fields, including liberal arts, sciences, and professional disciplines.
What are the criteria for the English language to get admitted to Algoma University? Description:
  • CAE: Overall 176 with no band below 169
  • Duolingo: Overall 110 with no individual band below 90
  • IELTS: Overall 6.0 with no band below 6.0
  • TOEFL paper-based: Overall 550
  • TOEFL Internet-based: Overall, 79
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Average tuition fee for international students at Algoma University?

The tuition fee at Algoma University is charged on the basis of credits. Therefore, the average tuition fee is around $10,000 for a term.

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  • Bachelor of Computer Science
  • BBA
  • Graduate Certificate in Project Management
  • Graduate Certificate in Human Resources & Business Management.
Courses at Algoma University
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  • Certificate in Business
  • Certificate in Computing
  • Certificate in Law and Justice
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