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What's an M-1 visa?

The M1 visa is a non-immigrant visa for students who wish to enroll in vocational or technical programs in the United States.
Success rate of M1 visa applications
It can vary depending on several factors, including the applicant's eligibility, the quality of their application materials, and the specific requirements of the US embassy or consulate where the visa interview is conducted.
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75% (approx.)
According to the US Department of State, the overall approval rate for M1 visa applications was approximately 75% in 2019.
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Various factors at play
This percentage can vary depending on various factors, including the applicant’s country of origin and the specific U.S. embassy or consulate.
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Provide documentation
It is important for M1 visa applicants to carefully review the eligibility requirements and application process, and to provide thorough and accurate documentation to support their application.
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Demonstrate intent to return
Additionally, applicants should be prepared to demonstrate their intention to return to their home country after completing their program of study, as this is a key consideration in the visa approval process.
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Know everything
About international student visas
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