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University of Bedfordshire - Luton Campus


Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Pharmacology and Health Science

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Pharmacology and Health Science

at University of Bedfordshire - Luton Campus United Kingdom


Drawing on the School of Life Sciences’ established research strengths in this area, our BSc (Hons) course gives you the knowledge and skills in biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences to be a professional scientist, able to work in areas where there are significant industry skills gaps.

On this course, you develop a broad range of skills in pharmacology and health sciences, studying areas such as chemistry; microbiology; biochemistry; anatomy and physiology; cell biology; and pharmaceutical sciences.

From this firm foundation, in your second and third years, your studies develop to include subjects such as immunology; pharmacogenetics; translational medicine; toxicology; and drug dispensing and delivery.

Practical laboratory work enables you to apply and develop your skills, while your final-year independent project and dissertation allow you to research and investigate a specific subject in detail.

Why choose this course?

  • Benefit from a degree that trains you in both the traditional areas of pharmacological research and new, emerging areas important for the future of the pharmaceutical industry
  • Build your practical skills in state-of-the-art laboratories in our modern STEM building
  • Follow a career in a field that is one of the most research-led in the UK and includes pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, agrochemicals and veterinary medicine
  • Gain a sought-after qualification in an area where a projected major skills gap has been identified
  • Study a curriculum aligned to the areas of need identified by the British Pharmacological Society, including public health science and healthcare policy
  • Gain valuable work experience through the School of Life Sciences’ strong links to the clinical and industrial sectors
  • Take the course over four years and include a fee-free year in industry, gaining work experience, building your CV and making contacts for the future
  • If you need to step up into higher education, start with a Foundation Year which guarantees a place on the degree course
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Application Processing Days

Under Graduate

Program Level

Fact & Figures

Full Time On Campus

Study Mode



University of Bedfordshire - Luton Campus


Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Pharmacology and Health Science Assistant Fee


Tuition Fee


Average Cost of Living


Application Fee

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Pharmacology and Health Science Admissions Requirements

  • Minimum Level of Education Required: To be accepted for this program, students must have Standard XII Higher Secondary Certificate.


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Where would you like to study*

Work Permit United Kingdom

There are various options through which a student can get a post study work visa in the UK. 
Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur Visa for the graduates with a genuine and credible business idea. 
Tier 2 (General) is the leading immigration visa to work in the UK.
Tier 4 Doctorate Extension Scheme is for students who have completed their Ph.D. and is valid for 12 months for them to work, look for work or set up a business. 
Tier 5 Youth Mobility is for individuals of certain countries like Australia, Canada, Japan, Monaco, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, and New Zealand aged between 18 -30 who wish to move to the UK. 
Tier 5 GAE is for individuals who want to come to the UK for work experience, training, research or a fellowship. 
UK Ancestry is for individuals who are a citizen of a commonwealth and plan to work in the UK and have a grandparent who was born in the UK.

Detailed Program and Facts


Application Processing Days

Full Time On Campus

Program Intensity

Under Graduate

Program Level



Study Visa

English Test Requirement


Minimum Overall Score


Minimum Overall Score


Minimum Overall Score

Other Courses by University of Bedfordshire - Luton Campus,United Kingdom

Sustainability management is fast becoming a key driving force in shaping organisational strategy as companies are under pressure to compete in the Green Economy.

This course focuses on the relationship between the economic ambitions of businesses and the necessity to meet the growing global concern to meet sustainability agendas.

Through a combination of academic study and working with industry on real sustainability-related problems, you will develop the personal and professional skills you need to be a key player in this global, knowledge-based economy.

There are six entry points through the year. This allows you to start when it is most suitable.

  • Study the core areas of sustainability within the corporate sector, and logistics management and its relationship with sustainability
  • Gain intimate knowledge of the structural issues companies and counties face when implementing a sustainability agenda.
  • Develop advanced knowledge of organisational approaches to sustainability as well as of government policies and the critical capabilities to apply theory to complex issues
  • Explore your enterprise, creativity and independence – the skills required by employers - through your dissertation unit
  • Develop your employability by undertaking a work placement with the opportunity to work on a live project
  • Benefit from studying with a Business School that has partners across the world enabling you to examine the cross-culture perspectives essential to organisations in the global markets

12 month


$ 13750


How can we understand, intervene and promote health and wellbeing across the course of life? Health psychology works to answer this question, looking towards the interaction of psychological, social and biological factors to understand health and illness.

Health psychology moves away from the medicalisation of health and illness. Instead, on this course, you take a more whole-person approach to understanding health and illness, studying social issues and aspects such as obesity, lifestyle and stress. Taught by an academic team actively involved in research in the field, you benefit from their up-to-the-minute knowledge and research skills.

This course forms stage one of the training you need to become a chartered psychologist member of the Division of Health Psychology within the British Psychological Society.

Why choose this course?

  • Gain new insights into the theory and practice of health psychology
  • Learn to show how the links between scientific theory and practice can guide the collection and interpretation of empirical data
  • Develop a systematic understanding and critical awareness of current problems in the field
  • Gain confident knowledge of qualitative and quantitative research methods which will allow you to perform complex data analysis, interpretation, evaluation and synthesis
  • Develop your competence in a range of techniques including multivariate analyses
  • Benefit from a strong sense of personal responsibility and professionalism that will enable you to practise or conduct research within ethical guidelines

12 month


$ 13750


Success in the media industry means creating powerful products that communicate with their target audiences through a constantly evolving range of media platforms. This course gives you the skills and insider knowledge needed to make that success happen.

Producing media content is an exciting, up-to-the-minute form of social communication, strongly influenced by cultural, economic and political factors. To create innovative, effective communications across a range of platforms, you must be able to combine media theory with practical production skills.

This broad-based course focuses on the production process while giving you the theoretical grounding you need. So you study practical units such as digital design, making sound and images, film-making and experimental production, combined with units ensuring your understanding of media theory and research, digital cultures and future digital production.

Why choose this course?

  • Access to a wide range of professional production equipment including broadcast-standard TV and radio studios, green screen and 360 production
  • Study with industry-experienced, research-active tutors
  • Explore the latest world-class research through the Research Institute for Media, Art and Performance (RIMAP)
  • Participate in and contribute to student festivals and competitions, building your experience and your portfolio
  • Develop portable skills in communications and team-working, increasing your employability
  • Benefit from a course that opens up careers in television production, digital media production, journalism, teaching, advertising, media and PR
  • Take the course over four years and benefit from a year’s placement in industry (see below), gaining experience and making contacts for the future.
  • If you need to step up into higher education, start with a Foundation Year (see below) which guarantees entry to the undergraduate course

36 month


$ 13500


Offering in-depth technical training, you will need to begin your career as a practising automotive engineer. You will work closely with local automotive and motorsport companies, gaining experience of working on real-world solutions throughout.

You will begin by gaining the underpinning skills and knowledge needed to pursue specialisms later on, along with theoretical subjects like mathematics and engineering science.

Your technical and practical skills will be honed through study of engineering design and application, and vehicle development history, and study of new products and technologies will give you a thorough grounding before you move on to specialise from Year 2.

As you move through the course, you will benefit from practical sessions and have the opportunity to take part in the prestigious Formula Student Racing Car project or Shell Economic Car competition project.

Why choose this course?

This course combines practical and theoretical study, and uses individual and group work to provide a thorough grounding in the essentials needed to enhance your career prospects in the exciting world of Automotive Engineering.

Choose BEng (Hons) Automotive Engineering

  • Learn both technical skills and theoretical knowledge including engineering science, structural mechanics and dynamics.
  • Study core disciplines and specialist advanced units including automotive systems and design as well as developing project management skills.
  • Develop your skills using excellent industry-standard facilities including high-end equipment, machines and testing workspaces.
  • Gain a qualification that will enhance your prospects of a fulfilling and exciting career in a wide range of engineering scenarios including car or motorbike motorsports.
  • Explore career opportunities through a placement year with nearby companies like BMW Mini, Nissan and AVL Powertrain.
  • Challenge yourself to participate in exciting competitions, developing your individual and team working skills.
  • Benefit from the opportunity to collaborate with local companies either on campus or in nearby company workshops

36 month


$ 13500


This course examines key issues of media and communication, introducing principles of cultural theories and media research methods, providing a broader understanding of how different aspects of the media interconnect.

Why choose this course?

  • Project Management Units covers a wide range of Project functional areas so that you become knowledgeable and effective managers

24 month


$ 13750


Business & Management

Master of Science in Marketing

If companies are to expand their business and be competitive, they must employ modern marketing techniques and integrate these into their organisational processes.

On this course you will study a full range of marketing practices combined with broader aspects of strategic marketing such as buyer behaviour, marketing international business, marketing and service management, and social media marketing.

Designed to help you become a highly effective manager and creative thinker, you will gain the conceptual, framework-focused, analytical, problem solving and research skills required to operate confidently in a dynamic environment.

There are six entry points through the year. This allows you to start when it is most suitable

Why choose this course?

  • Study aspects of global brand communications and reputation, marketing in the digital landscape, intercultural issues in marketing, and strategy and brand management
  • Develop your employability by undertaking a work placement with the opportunity to work on a live project to improve your team-working, negotiation skills, confidence and ability to apply critical and creative thinking to complex and unclear problems
  • Benefit from studying with a Business School that has partners across the world enabling you to examine the cross culture perspectives essential to organisations in the global markets
  • Explore how cultural and social differences affect buying behaviour, and discover how to use branding to compete in the global marketplace
  • Gain an appreciation of the integrated nature of marketing communications and their application in a contemporary context

12 month


$ 13750


If you’re interested in a career in forensic science, we have a crime scene for you! A unique mix of biosciences and criminal psychology, our degree course offers you the opportunity for practical forensic processing in our crime scene facility.

Technological advances have made the role of the forensic scientist – the expert who collects, preserves and analyses evidence - increasingly important in crime investigation, and also in other fields such as archaeology.

The course starts with an introduction to psychology and the sciences relevant to forensics, followed by more detailed applied forensics including the preparation of evidence for court, pathology, medical physiology and haematology. You’ll also study the most recent advances in DNA analysis, toxicology, criminal psychology, and fire and explosive analysis.

Why choose this course?

  • The Forensic Science team includes international experts in the psychology of criminal behaviour and forensics experts from a variety of operational backgrounds
  • Our teaching is rated as ‘Excellent’ by the QAA and the team is part of a highly experienced department that has run biological science courses for over 30 years
  • You’ll study in a specialist forensic laboratory, with key laboratory skills incorporated into most of the taught units, especially your final-year research project
  • You’ll learn the skills and techniques needed to evaluate a real-life crime scene in our scene-of-crime lab, designed to resemble an 'normal' flat
  • There’s the option to take the course over four years and include a year’s work placement (see below) to gain experience and industry contacts
  • If you’d like to step-up into higher education, you can take an introductory Foundation Year (see below), which guarantees entry to the Undergraduate course

    "Studying forensic science with Bedfordshire has been an awesome, inspiring experience, with lecturers who are specialists with industry experience in the areas they teach. I highly recommend anyone wishing to study this subject with Beds to 'Go 4 it'."

36 month


$ 13500


This course is integrative, blending accounting and business finance theory to solve problems faced by managers on a daily basis. You will also further develop the necessary quantitative, research, and presentation skills required for successful career in business or further academic study.

Your studies will be enhanced by the integration of theory and practice into those situations where vital financial decisions have to be made.

Why choose this course?

  • Benefit from a wide range of teaching experiences such as lectures, seminars, and workshops, fieldwork, practice weeks, external visits, on-line activities, individual and group work tasks and invited guest speakers from the tourism and aviation industry.
  • Learn through a range of integrated, project based activities which will set the tourism and aviation industry in the context of business.
  • Investigate the sensitive and positive effects cultures have on tourism and aviation. In your final year, we start to elaborate on the sustainable aspects of international tourism.
  • Benefit from teaching informed by research and professional practice that our tutors draw upon to illustrate current issues in the tourism and aviation industry globally.

12 month


$ 13750


The study of finance is key to understanding how businesses operate, governments exercise policies and countries operate and compete with each other.

This course will provide you with an intimate knowledge of the structural issues economies are facing and the way they are being realised in today’s economics affairs through the dominance of financial institutions.

Through blended learning you will study the theoretical background and work with industry on real business problems to develop the personal and professional skills you need to be a key player in this global, knowledge-based economy

Why choose this course?

  • Study the related areas of economics, financial markets and portfolio management, accounting and finance and strategic management
  • Gain advanced knowledge of financial organisations and institutions, as well as of government policies and the critical capabilities to apply theory to complex issues
  • Explore your enterprise, creativity and independence – the skills required by employers - through your dissertation unit
  • Develop your employability by undertaking a work placement with the opportunity to work on a live project
  • Benefit from studying with a Business School that has partners across the world enabling you to examine the cross-culture perspectives essential to organisations in the global markets

12 month


$ 13750


Our interior spaces are where we spend most of our lives so their design affects us every day, whether we’re at home, at work or at play. This course gives you the skills to explore and create amazing interior designs for true ‘living’ spaces.

The course shares with Interior Architecture a fascination with how people, activities and places interrelate. It gives you many opportunities to study a range of real-life interior spaces as well as developing your own design solutions that work in creative, practical and functional ways.

You gain skills and expertise in space planning, ergonomics, design composition, colour theory, building technology, environmental control and design for sustainability. You also learn to use the latest digital design technologies such as computer-aided design; digital image creation and manipulation; and video production and editing.

Why choose this course?

  • Develop a creative and critical understanding of building structure and fabric while exploring the design of interior environments in urban, suburban and rural contexts
  • Study the refurbishment of existing buildings; television, film and exhibition design; and virtual environments
  • Learn from an experienced academic team, applying the latest innovations to contemporary design problems
  • Gain confidence through the course to work independently on a final-year project
  • Work in bespoke studio spaces, surrounded by creatives, in the University’s repurposed Art & Design centre, Alexon House - formerly home to a leading fashion label
  • Take the course over four years and include a fee-free year’s placement in industry (see below), gaining experience and making contacts for the future

36 month


$ 13500


View All Courses by University of Bedfordshire - Luton Campus, United Kingdom

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